Heli Peppingsköld er en finsk danser og koreograf med bopæl i Århus.
Hun er en anerkendt koreograf, med flere priser under sin hat. Ud over hendes profesionelle virke som koreograf er Heli stadig aktiv som danser i flere kompagnier, så som Himherandit Productions og Granhøj Dans.
Lige nu er Heli at finde i produktioner som Mass Effect og Carcass som begge tounerer i Danmark såvel som Edinbourgh og Polen.
She is a Nationally awarded choreographer whose dance works has won multiple championships and prizes at the Finnish National Dance Competitions and other different choreographic dance platforms.
Besides her own professional artistic work, she still active as a dancer in Theaters and Dance companies e.g. Himherandit Productions and Granhøj Dans. Currently you can find her performing in works like Mass Effect and Carcass which both are touring at the moment in Denmark and Internationally in Edinburgh and Poland.
In 2022 she also worked for Finnish National artist grant from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
Photo: Simon Beyer-Pedersen & Jari Haavikko